Casti Dus de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Disposable Shower Caps, 50 buc
13% 24 LEI141 produse
Casti Dus de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Disposable Shower Caps, 50 buc
13% 24 LEIVata din Bumbac Beautyfor, 1000 g
11% 57 LEICeara Epilatoare Roll-On de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Wax Roll-On Cartridge, Ulei de Argan, 100ml
Servetele cosmetice din material textil moale - Beautyfor Soft Spunlace Cosmetic Wipes, 30cm x 30cm, 100 buc
10% 30 LEIBol pentru Ceara - Beautyfor Wax Pot, 800ml
14% 23 LEICeara Epilatoare Roll-On de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Wax Roll-On Cartridge, Micromica Gold, 100ml
Masca Faciala cu 3 Straturi - Beautyfor 3-Ply Face Mask, 50 buc
11% 19 LEIPieptan Carbon - Beautyfor Carbon Comb CO-007
Pieptan Carbon - Beautyfor Carbon Comb CO-003
Pila Unghii - Beautyfor Zebra Square with Japan paper, duritate 240/240
Pila Unghii - Beautyfor Zebra Harbor Bridge with Japan paper, duritate 100/100
Masti Faciale fara Guler Beautyfor, 25 buc
9% 12 LEICeara Epilatoare Roll-On de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Wax Roll-On Cartridge, Azulene, 100ml
13% 8 LEICeara Epilatoare Roll-On de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Wax Roll-On Cartridge, Miere, 100ml
Sutien de unica folosinta - Beautyfor Disposable Bra, 10 buc
Bol pentru Ceara - Beautyfor Wax Pot, 400ml
10% 22 LEICleme de Par Mici - Beautyfor Hair Clips Small, 6 buc
Penseta pentru Sprancene - Beautyfor Nghia Eyebrow Tweezers T-03
14% 23 LEISapun Lichid Aroma Zmeura - Beautyfor Hand Soap Raspberry, 500ml
9% 12 LEIBurete Celuloza Rotund - Beautyfor Cellulose Sponge, round
Ceara Epilatoare Roll-On de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Wax Roll-On Cartridge, Pink Titanium, 100ml
Pulbere Pre-Epilare - Beautyfor - B-powder Pre-Epilation Velvety Powder, 150 g
10% 42 LEIGulere de unica folosinta din material textil - Beautyfor Disposable Soft Spunlace Neck Collars, 7cm x 40cm, 100 buc
15% 14 LEICeara Epilatoare Roll-On de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Wax Roll-On Cartridge, Ulei de Arbore de Ceai Australian, 100ml
13% 8 LEISaci de Polietilena - Beautyfor Polyethylene Bags for Paraffin Therapy, 50 bucati
15% 7 LEIProsop din Bumbac Mov - Beautyfor Cotton Towel Purple, 70 x 140cm
11% 38 LEIBenzi din Hartie pentru Epilat - Beautyfor Waxing Paper Strips, 90g, 100 buc
Tel din Plastic pentru Amestecarea Vopselei de Par - Beautyfor Plastic Color Whisk
Sort Polietilena de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Disposable Polyethylene Aprons White, 50 buc
10% 30 LEICleme de Par Mari - Beautyfor Hair Clips Large, 6 buc
9% 23 LEIBol Manichiura - Beautyfor Manicure Bowl, plastic
Gulere de unica folosinta - Beautyfor Disposable Neck Collars, 100 buc
Bentita cosmetica din material netesut - Beautyfor Non-woven Hairband, 10 buc
14% 15 LEISticla cu Pompa - Beautyfor Pump Bottle, plastic
Folie Elastica Standard pentru Impachetari Corporale - Beautyfor Body Wrap Stretch Film Standard, 0.25 x 100m
12% 27 LEICeara Epilatoare Roll-On de Unica Folosinta - Beautyfor Wax Roll-On Cartridge, Titanium Talc, 100ml
13% 8 LEIBol Silicon Flexibil Mare - Beautyfor Flexible Mixing Silicon Bowl, diametru 12cm
Pieptan Argan Brown - Beautyfor Argan Comb
15% 14 LEIBuffer Unghii pentru Stralucire - Beautyfor Ultra Shine Nail Buffer
Servetele Celuloza pentru Manichiura - Beautyfor Cellulose Nail Wipes, 2 role
12% 26 LEIRezerva Hartie Abraziva pentru Pila Pedichiura - Beautyfor Replacement Paper for the Foot File V-Line
15% 7 LEISapun Lichid Aroma Cirese - Beautyfor Hand Soap Cherry, 500ml
Casti Unica Folosinta din Material Netesut - Beautyfor Non-woven Disposable Caps, 100 buc
10% 21 LEIMasca de unica folosinta din material netesut - Beautyfor Non-woven Pre-Cut Disposable Facial Masks, 100 buc
10% 20 LEIPelerina de unica folosinta din polietilena - Beautyfor Disposable Polyethylene Peignoir, 135cm x 90cm, 50 buc
14% 38 LEIGel pentru Tratamente IPL/Laser - Beautyfor IPL & Laser Gel, 5l
10% 72 LEIInstrument pentru Indepartarea Cuticulelor - Beautyfor Nghia Export Pusher P-04
13% 32 LEIIncalzitor Ceara Epilare - Beautyfor Wax and Paraffin Heater YM8433 Smart, 500 ml, 1 buc
12% 118 LEIBuffer Alb - Beautyfor Sanding Block, White, duritate 120
Geanta din Silicon pentru Dispozitive Termice de Styling - Beautyfor Silicon Tool Bag
10% 40 LEIPila Pedichiura cu Rezerve Interschimbabile - Beautyfor Foot File V-Line with Changeable Paper
12% 17 LEIGel Post-Epilare - Beautyfor - After-Wax Refreshing Gel, 500 ml
10% 41 LEIPieptan Carbon - Beautyfor Carbon Comb CO-001
Prosoape de Hartie in 2 Straturi Albe V-Fold - Beautyfor Paper Toweles in Packs White 2 ply 25x21cm, 150 buc
Pila Unghii - Beautyfor Zebra Square with Japan paper, duritate 180/180
Sosete din Bumbac - Baeutyfor Cotton Socks for Paraffin Treatment, 1 pereche
12% 18 LEIBol pentru amestecarea vopselei - Beautyfor Tinting Bowll
Cearceaf Polietilena pentru Impachetari Corporale - Beautyfor High-density Polyethylene Folded Sheets, 160 x 200cm, 50 buc
13% 98 LEICleste pentru Cuticule - Beautyfor Nghia Export Cuticle Nipper C-37
10% 74 LEIInstrument pentru Indepartarea Cuticulelor - Beautyfor Export Pusher P-03
13% 33 LEI