Sampon pentru Par Normal - Kallos Cream Shampoo for Daily Use 700ml
19 produse
Sampon pentru Par Normal - Kallos Cream Shampoo for Daily Use 700ml
Sampon pentru Par Uscat si Deteriorat - Kallos KJMN Nourishing Shampoo for Dry and Damaged Hair 1000ml
Sampon pentru Par Uscat si Deteriorat - Kallos KJMN Nourishing Shampoo for Dry and Damaged Hair 500ml
13% 16 LEISampon pentru Par Cret si Ondulat - Kallos LAB 35 Curl Mania Shampoo, 300ml
Sampon pentru Volum si Stralucire - Kallos LAB 35 Shampoo for Volume and Gloss, 500ml
Sampon cu Migdale pentru Par Uscat si Normal - Kallos Mandel Almond Shampoo for Dry and Normal Hair 1000ml
Sampon cu Aroma de Ulei de Argan pentru Par Vopsit - Kallos Argan Colour Shampoo 1000ml
Sampon pentru Volum - Kallos KJMN Volumizing Shampoo 500ml
Sampon pentru Par Gras - Kallos KJMN Deep Cleansing Shampoo for Oily Hair and Scalp 1000ml
Sampon cu Ou pentru Par Uscat si Normal - Kallos Egg Shampoo for Dry and Normal Hair 1000ml
Sampon cu Aroma de Vanilie pentru Stralucire - Kallos Vanilla Shine Shampoo 1000ml
Sampon cu Aroma de Iasomie pentru Par Uscat si Deteriorat - Kallos Jasmine Nourishing Shampoo 1000ml
Sampon pentru Par Uscat si Deteriorat - Kallos LAB 35 Signature Shampoo for Dry and Damaged Hair, 500ml
Sampon pentru Par Gras - Kallos KJMN Deep Cleansing Shampoo for Oily Hair and Scalp 500ml
Sampon fara Sulfati - Kallos LAB 35 Shampoo Sulfate-Free, 500ml
Sampon Anti-Matreata - Kallos KJMN Fortifying Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for Normal and Greasy Hair 500ml
Sampon pentru Stralucire - Kallos KJMN Luminous Shine Shampoo for Dry and Sensitive Hair 1000ml
Sampon Anti-Matreata - Kallos KJMN Fortifying Anti-Dandruff Shampoo for Normal and Greasy Hair 1000ml
12% 34 LEISampon cu Aroma de Ulei de Argan pentru Par Vopsit - Kallos Argan Colour Shampoo 5000ml